Thursday, 28 March, 2013
11:30 am. Wake up, find my shadow taking a bath. She sleeps in the guest room but comes and gets in bed with me when Josh gets up. (Feel free to ignore the stack of shoe boxes + random bras in the background.)

12:30 pm. Cook breakfast (potatoes & eggs, bacon) and sit down and eat it.

1:30 pm. Just got done with my eye doctor appointment. Got contacts, finally.

2:30 pm. Bored, so I took a picture of what I was wearing. (Note the shadow...)

3:30 pm. Heating up jambalaya and unloading the dishwasher...

with the help of my shadow.

4 pm. Our Tonx finally arrived, so of course we immediately made some mid-afternoon coffee.

6 pm - another delivery! New dress = wardrobe change, duh.

8 pm. Showered, getting ready to head out, and making faces...because it's what I do.

The rest of these happened between 10 pm and 2 am, but there's no rhyme or reason. Just a great night out. :)
Josh on the decks.

I started out innocently enough...with water.

But for some reason was craving something salty. Had a dirty martini...which didn't cure it.

So I tried a flaming flamingo...which also didn't cure it, but also made me drunk enough to not care anymore.

I was given a bracelet.

Juzeh showed up and hung out for a good while.

and then things got...weird.

Fun fun.

Anyway. Friday I had my MRI in the afternoon, and we went and saw Juzeh's band play at a different bar...even though I was sober that night I managed to fall and almost die in the street (ok, that's a slight exaggeration). We still ended up at Grindhouse later though, and Josh got fed some crazy shots but didn't get too drunk. We had a lot of fun...again.
Saturday and Sunday we stayed in, relaxed, watched TV, and I started on my Spring cleaning...which means that that is exactly what I am avoiding doing right now....I always take about two weeks to finish it because I take so many breaks...ugh. But we have company coming next Thursday so it needs to be done by then! Yay, motivation! Anyway, I should probably get back to that, just wanted to share these pictures of what a slightly more typical day in my life is like.
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