Hey, remember that time less than a month ago when I tried to make a photo diary of my day, and then it turned out to be the most Boring Day Ever? Well, I made another one, and this time it was a much more interesting day. Of course it was last week, and then I got all busy and forgot to post it, but it's still relevant and awesome. You should be warned, though, that the last couple of pictures are kind of hazy in my memory. Still a great day!
Thursday, 28 March, 2013
11:30 am. Wake up, find my shadow taking a bath. She sleeps in the guest room but comes and gets in bed with me when Josh gets up. (Feel free to ignore the stack of shoe boxes + random bras in the background.)
12:30 pm. Cook breakfast (potatoes & eggs, bacon) and sit down and eat it.
1:30 pm. Just got done with my eye doctor appointment. Got contacts, finally.
2:30 pm. Bored, so I took a picture of what I was wearing. (Note the shadow...)
3:30 pm. Heating up jambalaya and unloading the dishwasher...
with the help of my shadow.
4 pm. Our Tonx finally arrived, so of course we immediately made some mid-afternoon coffee.
6 pm - another delivery! New dress = wardrobe change, duh.
8 pm. Showered, getting ready to head out, and making faces...because it's what I do.
The rest of these happened between 10 pm and 2 am, but there's no rhyme or reason. Just a great night out. :)
Josh on the decks.
I started out innocently enough...with water.
But for some reason was craving something salty. Had a dirty martini...which didn't cure it.
So I tried a flaming flamingo...which also didn't cure it, but also made me drunk enough to not care anymore.
I was given a bracelet.
Juzeh showed up and hung out for a good while.
and then things got...weird.
Fun fun.
Anyway. Friday I had my MRI in the afternoon, and we went and saw Juzeh's band play at a different bar...even though I was sober that night I managed to fall and almost die in the street (ok, that's a slight exaggeration). We still ended up at Grindhouse later though, and Josh got fed some crazy shots but didn't get too drunk. We had a lot of fun...again.
Saturday and Sunday we stayed in, relaxed, watched TV, and I started on my Spring cleaning...which means that that is exactly what I am avoiding doing right now....I always take about two weeks to finish it because I take so many breaks...ugh. But we have company coming next Thursday so it needs to be done by then! Yay, motivation! Anyway, I should probably get back to that, just wanted to share these pictures of what a slightly more typical day in my life is like.