I keep feeling like I have too much stuff, so I made a new rule: for everything I bring in, something has to go out. Last week we hauled a giant load of stuff (four boxes full!) to ReStore, and I only bought one thing. Yesterday I took one bag full (three pieces of clothing, and a never-worn pair of flip-flops) and again came out with just one thing. So I'm on a pretty good roll so far.
Most of the stuff I took in yesterday was stuff I got there this past fall. Josh says I rent clothes. It's kind of awesome though! I mean I buy stuff, wear it all season, then take it back and get stuff for the next season. (Or, in this case, a Lord & Taylor cashmere sweater I spotted!) Much cheaper than buying, and my wardrobe is always changing.
It helps with my sewing too. It's much easier to alter clothes than it is to make new ones from scratch - but if I do want to make new ones, I buy something similar to what I'm making, then rip it up and use it as a pattern! It's also the cheapest way to buy really nice fabrics that I might otherwise be scared to try working with - I know that if I screw something up, it's just a $2 loss. (Yes, $2. Part of ReStore's appeal is that, unlike Goodwill, they have standard prices for all their clothing - whether it's worn, brand new, high end, or from Walmart.)
After ReStore yesterday we drove around a bunch. We took this one road not really knowing exactly where it would go...it was crazy, coming down the backside of the mountain it had these awful switch-backs, and some dude in a Ford F-3000 was driving up it with a boat! We had to pull off the road for him...luckily we were on the inside, so no chance of falling off the cliff or anything. We ended up on the other side of town, and Josh wanted to go out to the lake, but I felt bad about leaving Orion for so long. Plus it was getting close to sundown, and it was cold and possibly going to rain.
Today I slept all day. Literally. I don't know why I was so tired, but I got up once, then went back to bed, got up again, then went back and sat in bed, and fell asleep sitting up. I hope it's not a sign that I'm getting sick - I haven't gotten hungry yet, either. I don't feel sick, just lazy. Oh well. I'm going to go watch the Grammy's, and not care too much about what is going on.
Coming up this week: more cleaning, and a hunt for a large amount of film-sized canisters. And maybe the crystal mining farm. Not sure.
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