11 August, 2012

Shoe re-do!

Remember those Converse shoes I showed you the other day? I probably should have taken a better 'before' picture than that one, but oh well, it'll have to do. I mean, they are Converse, who hasn't owned at least one pair in their lifetime? (Fair warning here - if you haven't, go buy a pair, lest people think you un-American.) Just kidding. Sort of. ;)

Anyway, as I mentioned before, I've had this pair for 7 years. SEVEN YEARS, y'all. That's a long time for a pair of shoes, and they've held up well, as Cons are apt to do, and so I thought it was high time they got a make-over! ...okay, actually the truth is I just got tired of the green. I don't wear much green, and the past two years I've only worn them on Halloween, when I also wore a $2 glow-in-the-dark skull shirt that I got at Wal-mart three years ago on the day after Halloween clearance sale. (Don't you judge me.) And since they're fairly comfortable, I wanted to make them more versatile. And I did.

Here's the breakdown: (Sorry, I didn't take pictures while I did it.)
First of all, I washed the shoes, and took out the laces.
I mixed up the remainder of the glow-in-the-dark fabric paints that I had bought for the galaxy shirts, (they're very light and dry almost clear on black) along with three kinds of glitter. (two acrylics, a folk art clear base with iridescent glitter, a Martha Stewart clear base with blue glitter, and some a ton of regular dry glitter.)
Then I painted that sludge ALL over the shoes. Just slather it on, tongue too, and once you're done with both, put another layer on for good measure. (My second layer was kind of thin because I put too much dry glitter and then ran out of glow-in-the-dark-paint.)
I let that dry overnight, and then took black fabric paint and painted over the green leather chevron thingie and star, and the green line around the bottom of the shoes. Then I let that dry overnight.

Here's the final product:

Ahhh I love them! I wore them tonight, and they're so much more fun now. I can't wait to wear them somewhere dark so I can see how well the glow-in-the-dark feature works! Also, if you're wondering, the paint didn't make them too stiff or anything, they're just as comfortable as they were before, and I didn't really notice any glitter loss.

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